Monday, December 31, 2018

An Actual Post?!

It's been ages since I've felt the need to journal; whether it be on paper or online. I figured since I dusted this thing off in order to follow Lorri, I may as well make a post; a New Year's Eve post. I'm saying hello to this blog on the same night I'm saying goodbye to 2018. 2018 has been... a year. Not my best year, and probably one of my worst.

Let's hope 2019 can do a hell of a lot better, eh?

For 2019, I would like to:

1. Find a stable, full time job.
2. Lose the remaining 25 pounds to get down to 120.
3. Find something, anything, that makes me happy.

It's been a while since I've found something that made me happy. Well, consistently happy. I know how long it's been. If you know me, you know it, too. I need that back. I don't know how to get it back, but I do believe it's crucial. Maybe once I actually get another damn job. A full time one, dang it!

Wish me luck, and 2019? Please be kind.